Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Entrepreneurial Journey Starter Kit

It's an old and overused cliche that "a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" but nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to starting and running your startup business, and here are some of the pointers I came across recently that I hope you would find valuable.

But first a teaser clip:

The Step Zero

Before you jump the gun and go on a business venture, you have to find the right business idea, how about trying some exercises to create business ideas? Bottom line is you have to observe and define what problem you see and create a solution for it, making profit in the process, but by profit, we have to be clear it's not all about financial gain, more often than not, self-esteem, respect of your peers and making a name for yourself are priceless possessions for being in business.

Equally important when you venture into business, you have to have the passion for what you do, otherwise, you'd be easily dissuaded to let everything go and give up. Steve Jobs has this to say:

The Next Steps

Getting into any endeavor is tricky and same gos for entrepreneurship. Many fall trap into thinking they were into a business, when in fact they're just self-employed. How do you know you're in business rather than merely self-employed? By having systems in place, Bradley Sugar's Instant Systems is indispensable in guiding how to systematize many aspects of your business. Alongside systematizing your venture, these business forms and templates can come in handy.

Lastly, no business is an island, and getting your message and your solution across to those needing it are best handled by those that influence that market segment the most, this is where you need access to influential connection, later in your journey, you may turn into one of them.

How Do You Know You're Really a Businessperson?

Being a businessperson is a continuing journey, like an airplane about to fly, you can only say it's flying if it's touching the ground anymore, hw can you say you're already a businessperson? Is it the amount of money earned? Is it the number of subordinates and minions you have under you?

I would know I'm already a businessperson when the venture I started can run WITHOUT me attending to it constantly. I can and should still tend the venture but only on very critical concerns, where the system I designed and developed for it can't suffice, for time being.

Once you resolved this critical concern, this acquired understanding should become part of your business systems protocol so that occurrence of the same incident will be automagically handled by your business systems.

Grow Your Business By Educating Yourself

You have to educate yourself continuously on business and entrepreneurship, or your business venture will only reflect your limitation. Here are some books that I read and found indispensably worth reading on your journey to entrepreneurship: Art of Profitability, Business Model Generation, The Art of War, Duct Tape Marketing, Ultimate Sales Toolkit and The Four-Hour Work Week. Of course, learning doesn't stop after reading those books, just as you and your business must not stop growing.

Let's Journey Together

Rather than walk the talk alone, why can't we walk together on the journey of entrepreneurship? Traveling with at least a companion is definitely more enjoyable, fun and encouraging than going through it alone.

We at EDGEKIT are here to assist you in formulating the systems to help you grow your ventures.

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