Monday, January 13, 2014

Nokia Lumia 820 and the Mobile Apps Paradox

In a previous blog, I promised to have a product review of Nokia Lumia 820, so this article is long overdue, but please allow me to justify procrastination, at least for this review. It turns out that there was already a review of Lumia 920 so what's the use of reading about Lumia 820? Well, this is more of account of working with the Lumia 820 developer device loaded with Windows Phone 8 and frankly, doing a review on a very short span of time may not do justice to the device in question.

The external finish Nokia Lumia 820 is very smooth, in fact too smooth for me, it slipped my hands a couple of times that I sought for protective covering accessory. The quest was long and quite expensive for my taste but it turned out worth it, making the handling feel more solid and less slip prone.

During the first few days I spent with the phone, it felt quirky. It can easily connect to wi-fi access points, it's noted to be itself a wi-fi access point, but when I tried to connect to the Internet using the 3G network, I can't find the configuration section to manage that, so I was only able to access the Internet via wi-fi.

Many functionality were not installed by default on the developer version of Lumia 820, but they can be installed as part of the software update. Soon enough, a software update was available for it and sure enough, one of the updates is the inclusion of the access point configuration.

Eventually, the applications that matters came, not immediately mind you, but eventually, I also grew fond of the Nokia Lumia 820. With it's live tiles user interface, the responsive touch screen and the legendary long battery life of Nokia phones, Microsoft seems to have delivered properly and justifiably bought Nokia; ensuring Microsoft's relevance in the mobile platform arena by securing a solid hardware-software integration in a mobile device, may have been copied from the Apple playbook, but worth it after all.

All in all, the Windows Phone platform, given the well thought out execution of the Windows Phone 8 along with the established reputation and proven reliability, durability and long battery life of Nokia would be a serious contender against iOS, while the Android ecosystem would be busy with in-fighting.

Reveries on Apps

In current choices of mobile smart devices, aka smartphones, the wide selection of supplementary applications, or apps are the selling point, which may explain the slow but definite demise of BlackBerry because no apps were created for their platform.

Rather than debate on which device is better considering the number of apps per mobile device platform, I think we should rethink the app equation. Can we clear out the hype over the apps and still enjoy the mobile device while following the principle of less is more?

Beyond the various, nauseating applications endearingly and popularly referred as "apps" that various mobile platforms seem to be fighting over for, can't we clear up the air a little bit and see the mobile platform ecology for what was supposed to be it's for? Mobile devices were primarily for mobile communication. Sure, some would argue that the apps are the key to further appreciate the mobile device.

What Are Smartphones Good For?

Much like every technological perks we have now, the smartphones have saving qualities in them, particlarly: you can listen music using your smartphone now when you tune in to FM band radio stations, but my gripe on this is that it's only FM radio, no AM radio where I used to listen to radio soap opera. One other plus for smartphones, at least for moderate to high end models, is that you can watch videos anytime anywhere, but the video format must be compatible with your handset, too bad Ogg Vorbis Thoera is not widely supported. Of course the most important aside from receiving phone call and SMS or MMS, is that we can surf the net using the smartphone.

What Makes Smartphones Trashworthy?

When we say trashworthy, we mean the justification for not having smartphone that with these quirks, aren't so smart after all. First off, waste disposal of current electronics, practically every device many among us desired to possess are nature unfriendly, they can also be socially and physically unhealthy, which consequently result to waste of time. Economically and environmentally, the smartphones are agents of electrical power orgy.

I think it's silly if not utterly stupid to say one platform is simple and easy to use while chock full of different ways to do one or similar things

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